Busra Tugce Gurbuz

Contact info


I am a Ph.D. student at Mila-Quebec AI Institute, McGill University, and Montreal Neurological Institute. My research intrest broadly includes reinforcement learning and neuroscience. I aim to deepen our understanding of existing algorithms and develop new ones to have a positive impact on society through real-world applications. I am fascinated by the potential applications of AI in unraveling the complexities of the brain and behavior, with the aim of contributing to or enhancing human capabilities. I enjoy working within diverse and multi-disciplinary teams and often draw inspirations from neuroscience and psychology while developing algorithmic solutions.

My research receives generous support from Fonds de recherche du Québec and Unifying Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence - Québec scholarships.

Before starting my Ph.D. program, I was an undergraduate student in the Psychology Department at Bilkent University(Ankara, Turkey), where I conducted research on computational neuroscience and psychology at Aysel Sabuncu Brain Research Center (UMRAM).

When I am not doing research, you will find me exploring new activities, experimenting with a variety of cultural dishes in the kitchen, and jamming on my bass guitar.

some recent publications


Mar 20, 2024 I completed Trustworthy & Responsible AI Learning Certificate Program by Mila-Québec AI Institute! :four_leaf_clover:
Jan 19, 2024 I’ve been awarded the UNIQUE-Doctoral Travel Award! :airplane:
Dec 10, 2023 New article in arXiv: Learning to combine top-down context and feed-forward representations under ambiguity with apical and basal dendrites (Islah, N., Etter, G., Tugsbayar, M., Gurbuz, B. T., Richards, B., & Muller, E.)
Nov 06, 2023 Instructed the Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks class as a part of MiCM! (class material)
Oct 10, 2023 Presented my poster Two is better than one: Dual memory systems enhance memory efficiency (B.T.Gurbuz, Christopher Pack, Eilif Muller) at UNIQUE-NeuroAI meeting.
Aug 10, 2023 I was awarded the Healthy Brains Healthy Lives Doctoral Excellence Scholarship! :brain:
Aug 10, 2023 Instructed the Introduction to Machine Learning with Python class as a part of MiCM! (class material)
Aug 05, 2023 Attended Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents (CoLLas) @McGill :robot:
Jul 20, 2023 Attended the Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School @Mila :robot: :brain:
May 01, 2023 I was awarded the Fonds de recherche du Québec Nature et Technologies (FRQNT) Doctoral Scholarship! :tada:
Jan 03, 2023 I will the T.A. for QLSC-600 Foundations of Quantitative Life Sciences during Winter 2023, leading recitations focused on statistical genomics and scientific reproducibility! :dna: :scientist: